OCEARCH Expedition Galapagos recap

February 26, 2014 66 fish, 8 species, were tagged in total during Expedition Galapagos. According to OCEARCH collaborating lead scientist and Science Director of TIRN, Dr. Alex Hearn: “We brought together a multidisciplinary team of scientists and the foremost marine megafauna explorers. We made use of the world’s only oceanic research lift platform, which allowed us to handle large sharks with a minimal amount of stress. Our research, which uses methods approved by the IACUC Animal Care Committee while I was a Project Scientist at UC Davis, and by the Galapagos National Park Directorate, accomplished so much in so little time — over 66 individuals and 8 species caught, tagged and released. We have spent years working towards this study — making the leap from a shark movement study to one of the entire pelagic assemblage.”

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