Bull Shark Caught Breaching?

Queensland_shark_jumper_lionel_kavanagh_1Lionel Kavanagh was taking photos of a bridge in Queensland, Australia and appears to have captured a bull shark breaching.

It is hard to tell what type of shark it is, but Mr. Kavanagh told Daily Mail Australia “I asked around afterwards and heard the area was renowned for bull sharks. This one was probably excited by a change in the weather.”

Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) can live in both freshwater and saltwater and have been known to swim inland using rivers.

Related: Bull Shark Eaten by Crocodile.

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2 Thoughts to “Bull Shark Caught Breaching?”

  1. Laro

    Remarkable! This is an excellent one of a kind shot!

  2. Ivan

    COol picture idk bulls would jump outa the water

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