Man bitten by Bull shark in the Bahamas

Andrew Hindley was having a great day of spearfishing in the Grand Bahamas Saturday and had just put spear gun to head home; when through the crystal clear waters he spotted a hog fish. The temptation of adding the delicious fish to his plate was strong, so he asked for his spear and hopped back in the water.
Once he speared the fish, a 9-10 foot bull shark came from behind Andrew and grabbed his foot and let go. The as the shark went after the speared fish, Mr. Hindley started heading toward the boat. “After about 5 seconds with the fish (shark) it decided it wanted another bite, so it turned around and began chasing me to the boat which was about 30 feet away. I managed to kick it a few times with my un-bitten foot/ fin, and it eventually went on its way” Mr. Hindley said on FaceBook.
Luckily the bite was non-life threatening. Mr. Hindley added “I’d like to thank Scott Vickers and Alexander Thompson for everything once onboard the boat. I’d also like to thank Dr. Kevin Bethel for going out of his way to stitch me up!” Adding “We were well prepared and had a first aid kit on board; we usually do not (will always bring one from now on). This could have been a lot worse than it was; luck was on my side today.”


Click to see this and all 2014 shark bites and attacks on the original Shark Bites/Attacks Tracking Map.

Andrew Hindley FaceBook
Andrew Hindley FaceBook

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