Shark Warrior Lesley Rochat goes nude to ban drumlines

Shark Warrior Lesley Rochat is out to stop drum lines.

“The ocean is the domain of sharks and we are merely guests in their world. We have no right just because a few of us get killed by sharks annually to go out and start suffocating and shooting sharks to death,” she wrote on her blog.

Although she is nude, Rochat keeps her genitals covered and uses the shoot in an artistic manner to show how vulnerable sharks are. In addition, with no protection between her and the sharks, she shows the viewer that sharks are not ferocious killers bent on eating humans.

She also shot a behind the scenes video to show how difficult it was to film in the open ocean.

“‘It was challenging because of the open ocean conditions, plus being naked, having to pose kinda dead hanging from a large hook while holding my breath and hoping the 30 plus sharks were in place! ” she said.

Rochat also made a documentary on the longlining and illegal shark finning titled Sharks in Deep Trouble.

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