Battle with a Bull Shark

Keith Love
Keith Love

Keith Love was spearfishing off the coast of Texas when he got into a battle with a bull shark.

The 31-year-old, who runs spearfishing expeditions for his company Tuff Extreme, had taken clients out in the Gulf of Mexico.

The group had speared a few wahoo fish and several sharks had taken notice and began swimming around the area.

Mr. Love free dove down to around 15 or 20 feet and speared another wahoo.

Normally when a fish is speared it tries to flee and swims away from the diver.

In this case the fish did something rarely seen and swam directly toward Love.

The 5 foot fish, which was still attached to the spear line, began swimming around and behind love.

Mr. Love soon found out why the fish was acting so erratic, a bull shark was in pursuit of the wahoo which was attempting to use Love as a shield.

The bull shark started biting the wahoo and got its tale wrapped up in the fishing line that was now wrapped around Love.

The now entangled bull shark was hitting Love with its tale when love spotted a new problem.

Another bull shark was charging toward him from below.

Love held out his teak speargun to fend off the 7 to 9 foot shark which ran directly into the gun, breaking it.

He told the Chron “It’s one of the biggest spear guns you can get.”

Thankfully within a minute or two both sharks left and Love was able to get back his boat.

Once on board he collapsed on deck saying “I was in shock, I felt like it took everything out of me. I couldn’t move.”

In the end Love fared rather well in his battle with a bull shark, coming away with only a few bruised ribs and a bruised tail bone.

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