Surfer bitten by shark


Surfer Jeff Brown and his daughter Rhianna were out catching some waves when he was bitten by a shark.

He had just finished riding a set and was in the white water when he felt the bite.

He told the Sydney Morning Herald  “I had just caught my first wave and was laying in the water with the board when I felt something grab my ankle,” he said.

“I knew it was a shark. I shook my leg but it didn’t let go so I kicked it with my right foot and cut that foot on its teeth. Then it let go and went away.”

“It was really weird, I always imagined if I got bitten by a shark it would be more like a dog attack. “But it was quick, and it was all happening down below the water where I couldn’t see it. I was just kicking it off with my feet.

“It’s probably the best way to get bitten by a shark.

“Then after it let go I was a bit worried it might come back.”

His daughter thought the shark was about 6ft long.

“We don’t know what sort of shark it was but it had a pretty big fin on it,” Mr. Brown said.

After paddling to the beach he received 20 stitches to his right foot and several to the left.

The location has been marked on the 2014 shark bites attack map.

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