Surfer Pulled off Her Board by Shark in Hawaii?

Kaya with her board. Photo: Lisa Lucas
Kaya with her board. Photo: Lisa Lucas

A surfer on Kauai Island in Hawaii, was pulled off her board by a shark around 11:30 on Monday, January 25th.

Kaya Waldman was out past the main surf break near Hanalei when she saw something grey coming towards her.

At first she thought it might be a buoy, but as it continued towards her, she realized it was a shark.

The shark, which was longer than her 8-foot board, caught the surfboards leash in its mouth and pulled Ms. Waldman off her board and into the water.

She was pulled under the water and dragged for several seconds until she was able to unhook the surfboard leash.

The 15-year-old told The Garden Island she was frightened but felt like “God saved my life” and “He gave me strength and courage to take off the leash.”

Once she had arrived safely at the beach, she reported the incident to life guards who checked the area but did not see a shark.

Since she was so far out and the life guards did not spot the shark, the beach was left open.

She does plan on surfing again as her faith keeps her strong. She said “If you’re ever getting dragged under by something in life and you can’t get to the surface, God will always bring you back up.”

Ms. Waldman went home and began looking at shark photos and believes the shark involved was a tiger.

Tiger sharks have been involved in several shark related incidents over the years.

On January 28, three days after Ms.Waldman’s incident, a tourist sustained bites to his hands that were consistent with a shark bite. The incident was also locate in Hanalei, but was closer to the beach and near a pier.

A paddle boarder was knocked in the water by an estimated 14ft tiger shark one day before Ms. Waldman’s incident. In that case, the shark bit the rear of the paddle board, which knocked the man off and onto the sharks back at Wailea Beach in Maui.

All locations have been marked on the 2016 shark attack bites tracking map.

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2 Thoughts to “Surfer Pulled off Her Board by Shark in Hawaii?”

  1. nathanlight

    she kick ass! i would have sank to the bottom and been crab food. glory to GOD

  2. Alission P

    I am very very proud of you! You handled this like a real professional surfer. May your journeys always be bright and let the waves always carry you home.

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